™ŽRûüˆê‹³ŽöEŒ¤‹†u‹`Ž‘—¿ @@@ 1-1.Recent Development of eigenvalues and eigenvectors for covariance matrix @@@Takakazu Sugiyama, Shin-ichi Tsukada, Yuichi Takeda and Hidetoshi Murakami 1-2.Recent Development of eigenvalues and eigenvectors for covariance matrix ppt @@@Takakazu Sugiyama, Shin-ichi Tsukada, Yuichi Takeda and Hidetoshi Murakami 1-3.Recent Development of eigenvalues and eigenvectors for covariance matrix ppt @@@Shin-ichi Tsukada, Takakazu Sugiyama 2-1.Recurrence relations of coefficients of the generalized hypergeometric function and the Zonal polynomial.pdf @@@Takakazu Sugiyama,Yuichi Takeda,and Masafumi Fukuda 2-2.Recurrence relations of coefficients of the generalized hypergeometric function and the Zonal polynomial.ppt @@@Takakazu Sugiyama, Yuichi Takeda, and Masafumi Fukuda 3-1.ŒÅ—L’l•ª•z˜_‚Ì“®Œü@- ŬŒÅ—L’l‚Ì•ª•z‚̸–§ŒvŽZ‚ƃJƒC2æ‹ßŽ— @@@‹´Œû”ŽŽ÷A‹{è‰pŽqA™ŽR‚ˆê 3-2.ŒÅ—L’l•ª•z˜_‚Ì“®Œü@- ŬŒÅ—L’l‚Ì•ª•z‚̸–§ŒvŽZ‚ƃJƒC2æ‹ßŽ—ppt @@@‹´Œû”ŽŽ÷A‹{è‰pŽqA™ŽR‚ˆê 4.Approximate distributions of each characteristic root in principal component analysis @@@Takakazu Sugiyama